Our story

Founder, Marilyn Schlossbach was traveling in Nicaragua on a surf trip when she met a local Moringa farmer. Inspired by the benefits and medicinal properties, the farmer introduced Marilyn to a lovely gentleman named Soon. He started a Moringa supplement company for the Korean market under the name Swanvive and helped Marilyn start a similar brand in the US, called Wave of Balance.

A side product of making Moringa seed supplement is a potent, high mineral oil.  All of Marilyn’s companies have sustainability as a core value, so naturally she wanted to find a way to use this special oil.

One of her daughters had skin issues as a young child and Marilyn noticed that using coconut oil made it worse, but moringa oil helped.  She worked with a woman from her hometown Asbury Park to add a scent reminiscent of the coastal areas of the northeast.  All while preserving the non comedogenic properties of moringa that allow the skin to breath.

Marilyn, her husband and daughters found that it equally benefited the hair, face and body after a long day of sun, surf and adventure.  She started making this oil for friends and family, so they could travel with minimal products as well.  The response was nothing but love and how rare it is to have a product that nourishes face, hair and skin while smelling so fresh!

Our favorite ways to use Oshin Oil:

  • apply two drop to wet hair after the shower

  • apply head-to-toe as after-sun care (but use it any day)

  • apply as an anti-aging face oil (Tip: use at night before bed and wake up to hydrated and glowing skin.)